Business Presentations and Public Speaking

Purpose and Overview

The degree to which people in an organization communicate effectively determines a huge part of an organization’s visibility, profitability, and industry leadership.

The McCann Group provides presentation training and support for people at every level of your organization; from front line sales and service professionals to mid and senior management and executives. Our approach – customized to meet the specific needs of your organization – focuses on helping everyone deliver clear, effective presentations to audiences of all sizes and types.

In this executive training program based on proven communication principles, we provide you with the practical skill set you need to deliver your messages vividly, memorably and persuasively.

Structure and Goals

Learning from Ph.D.s in the fields of communication, psychology, and business, you will learn to influence your audience anywhere – at presentations, meetings, sales calls, conferences, or in small groups. Our program sessions include:

  • Lectures and class discussion
  • Active, experiential learning
  • Simulations
  • Video analysis and real time feedback
  • One-on-one and small group coaching

In this program, you will learn how to:

  • Define, structure, prioritize, and form your messages for optimum effectiveness and for different types of audiences
  • Create and customize presentations, using scientifically validated structures and techniques
  • Display confidence, command, competence and other desirable qualities every time you present
  • Recognize and use both verbal and nonverbal techniques to communicate clearly and powerfully
  • Handle questions in a confident, composed, and professional manner
  • Develop and use the basics of effective visual presentation
  • Add power to your ideas, make your points memorable, strongly convey information and persuade the audience
  • Master your new skills through video recorded interactive exercises, and receive direct constructive feedback from us and from each other


For companies and groups, we offer 1-day sessions, 2-day sessions, and extended, multiple day sessions.  Training is conducted either on-site or off-site, depending on your preference.

Programs can be combined with other programs, or offered on their own.

Programs can be adjusted to your particular needs.

For individuals and small groups, we also offer private coaching services.

For information about the video version of this program, please contact us.